New Year Prompts PETA Ad Targeting Gong Li

Posted on by Ashley Fruno

Kung Hey Fat Choi! If the rabbit plush toys and decorations everywhere weren’t enough to remind furry actor Gong Li that rabbits are friends, not clothing, we’re hoping that our new ad will do the trick.

Year of the Rabbit Ad Targets Gong Li

PETA campaigner Coco Yu said it best: “The Year of the Rabbit celebrates these intelligent and gentle animals, so we implore Gong Li not to wear the fur of rabbits or other animals killed for their skins. Gong Li has been assailed across China for her cruel and environmentally unfriendly choice of attire, and we hope that the experience will prompt a switch to a kinder wardrobe.”

Set an example for Li: Speak up for rabbits by taking our pledge to go fur-free today.

Posted by Agnes Tam