Snow Cones, Not Snow Foxes!

Posted on by Ashley Fruno

We recently received a complaint from a Singaporean tourist that snow foxes at Harbin’s annual Snow Festival who were used as props for photo-taking activities looked fatigued and weak and, most worryingly, that their hind legs seemed to have been intentionally broken to prevent escape. PETA, of course, took immediate action.

We contacted local activists in Harbin. We got in contact with the chair of the Small Animal Protection Association, and he agreed to help us work with local tourism officials to end snow fox photo-taking activities at the Snow Festival for good! We’re sure that the next Snow Festival will be a totally cruelty-free, exciting experience for everyone, thanks to this amazing local group! After all, there are tons of animal-friendly, picture-worthy, snowy activities that don’t involve immobilizing animals! Snow angels, snow cones, snow men … the possibilities are endless!

Inspired? Want to do your part to help animals? Join our Activist Network now to help change minds and save animals’ lives.

Written by Agnes Tam