South Korean Vegetarians Find That Compassion Transcends Peer Pressure

Posted on by Ashley Fruno

A recent article in a South Korean newspaper highlights the social pressures that many vegetarians face because of their lifestyle choice. When you first make the decision to go vegetarian, some people just don’t get it—even friends or family. Being the “only” vegetarian is hard at first, but just remember: You aren’t alone.

Thankfully, meatless is becoming mainstream! As more and more people are turning on to a compassionate lifestyle, it’s easier than ever to connect with other vegetarians. The Internet presents a number of great possibilities for meeting like-minded folks. Many cities and regions have vegetarian social and support groups; search the Web to find the one that is nearest to you. Quite a few online communities (e.g., Yahoo! Groups, MSN Communities, Facebook, and Kaixin) have vegetarian groups, and there are numerous other vegetarian-friendly communities out there—even dating services!

And as I always tell people, mutual respect is the key: If your friends don’t belittle your values or make fun of issues that are important to you, there are always ways to make it work. And if they do ridicule you, what kinds of friends are they, really?

Of course, becoming involved in animal activism is a great way to make new friends while saving lives. Join our activist network today!

Posted by Ashley Fruno