Pigs’ Heads Are Bashed in With Metal Pipes in Cambodian Slaughterhouse

Posted on by PETA

Disturbing video footage from local eyewitnesses shows extreme cruelty inside a pig slaughterhouse in Cambodia.

Workers slaughtered pigs in full view of one another—some animals were forced to watch the violence over and over again for more than six hours before they were also cruelly killed.

As the video footage shows, workers repeatedly struck pigs on the head with hard metal pipes—two men hit one pig six times—before cutting their throats. Some still-conscious animals continued to move from side to side as their throats were cut.

PETA has written to the Cambodian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries asking that it take action by putting a stop to this horrific treatment of pigs in slaughterhouses and implementing animal-welfare laws throughout the country immediately.

Pigs are intelligent and sensitive beings, and they each have their own unique personality. They have the same capacity to feel pain and suffer as cats, dogs, and humans do. On factory farms, they spend their lives confined to cramped, filthy warehouses and are denied everything that’s natural and important to them. Mother pigs are raped and tortured, and when they give birth, their babies are taken away from them when they’re less than a month old. It is standard industry practice for piglets to have their tails cut off and their teeth clipped and male pigs are castrated—all without any painkillers. Unwanted “runts” are usually killed, often by having their heads slammed against the floor. Can you imagine being forced to endure a life filled with terror, as these sensitive animals are?

At the slaughterhouse, many are improperly stunned and still conscious when they’re dumped into scalding-hot water, which is intended to soften their skin and remove their hair. This is the fate of millions of pigs across Asia and the world.

When allowed to live naturally, pigs have an average life expectancy of 10 to 12 years, but those on farms are sent to slaughter when they’re just 4 to 6 months old.

PETA has also obtained disturbing eyewitness video footage of a Cambodian slaughterhouse showing workers repeatedly bashing cows in the head with sledgehammers before finally cutting their throats while they’re still conscious.

Another video captured inside a Cambodian slaughterhouse footage shows even more shocking abuse.

Their skin is then cut off to be sold by the global leather industry.

Eating meat doesn’t only kill animals, it’s also a serious threat to human health. The World Health Organization actually says that processed meats like bacon and sausage cause cancer, and according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vegans have lower rates of obesity, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

What You Can Do

Whenever you see bacon or pork on the menu, remember that that was an animal who suffered a miserable existence and died a violent, painful death. No animal wants to be killed. Please consider the pain that pigs endure, and go vegan.

The only way to ensure that no animals suffer for our meals is to keep them off our plates entirely. Since leather is a direct contributor to the horrors of factory farming and the slaughter of millions of animals each year, please pledge to go leather-free, too.

Every vegan saves numerous animals a year from a misery-filled life, a terrifying trip to the slaughterhouse, and a violent, painful death.

For pigs, for the environment, and for yourself, pledge to go vegan.