Gas Mask–Wearing ‘Chicken’ Urges Hong Kongers to Avoid Flu by Going Vegetarian

Posted on by Ashley Fruno

After a 59-year-old woman recently tested positive for a variant of bird flu in Hong Kong, a giant “chicken” wearing a gas mask to avoid infection swooped into the city to remind locals about the host of deadly diseases—including avian flu and SARS—that are linked to intensive animal agriculture.

PETA Members Urge Hong Kong Residents to Avoid the Flu, Go Vegetarian

According to the World Health Organization, bird flu is found in undercooked meat or eggs. Directly linked to the practice of raising chickens and other birds for their eggs and flesh, avian flu has claimed the lives of more than 300 people! Got a better reason for taking our Pledge to Be Veg?

Posted by Jason Baker