Victory! Six Malaysian Zoos Close!

Posted on by Ashley Fruno

Tiger in zooAfter years of pushing for stronger animal protection in Malaysia, victory has come. Six Malaysian zoos have been closed after inspections by the Department of Wildlife and National Parks of Malaysia showed that requirements regarding food, cage size, and veterinary services were not being met on basic levels.

Malaysian zoos are known for their horrific conditions, especially since news spread through a 2010 video in which a tiger was violently handled by zoo staff. Last year, one zoo was shut down, and 32 tigers and several other animals were confiscated after it was proved that they had not been cared for adequately. This year’s six shutdowns are a big step in the right direction.

PETA inspected Jong’s Crocodile Farm in 2011 and helped bring improvements to the cramped and horrible conditions at the establishment, but there are many serious issues at the nation’s other 45 zoos. In addition to the six recent closures, animal rights activists within Malaysia are calling for several more facilities to be shut down for repeated violations. Life in a zoo is misery for any animal, and the animals held captive in Malaysian zoos are subjected to appalling, substandard conditions.

The animals who were confiscated are set to be released into their natural habitats after rehabilitation or given to other local zoos that are better able to care for them. There is no reason why animals should suffer for entertainment in zoos. Zoos claim to educate people, but you can’t learn anything about animals in an environment that is nothing like their natural home. Be a friend to animals, and boycott the zoo.

Posted by Edwina Baier