Action Center

Live Chickens Dismembered at KFC Supplier in Japan

The latest PETA footage uncovers the barbaric and sadistic treatment of chickens at a farm supplying KFC Japan.

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Tell Punto There’s Nothing Luxurious About Stealing Snakes’ Skins

There’s nothing “ethical” or “sustainable” about stealing animals’ skins. See what PETA Asia uncovered at a Punto leather slaughterhouse, and speak up for snakes!

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Louis Vuitton Owner Exposed: Workers Cut Open, Strike Pythons With Hammers

A shocking PETA Asia investigation shows workers inflating snakes and then skinning them—likely alive—so that companies like LVMH can sell snakeskin purses.

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Breaking: Lizards Beheaded for Gucci’s Leather Purses and Wallets

PETA Asia reveals how leather accessories for Gucci are made: Workers decapitate conscious lizards.

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Live-Export Cruelty: Australian Cattle Abused and Butchered Alive in Indonesian Slaughterhouses

PETA’s investigation is a harrowing glimpse into the trade that supplies flesh to Indonesia’s meat industry and skin to the global leather industry.

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Tell Authorities in Vietnam to Stop Killing Dogs and Cats Over COVID-19 Myths

This month, authorities in Vietnam killed 15 dogs and a cat because the animals’ guardians tested positive for COVID-19.

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Piglets Slammed Into Concrete, Left to Die at Nippon Ham Farm in Japan

A shocking new PETA exposé reveals horrific conditions for pigs at Nippon Ham, Japan’s most prominent pork producer. Take action now!

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Civet Cats Suffer for Kopi Luwak Coffee—Urge Bacha Coffee to Act Now

Help us urge Bacha Coffee to stop funding cruelty to civet cats by ending their sale of kopi luwak today.

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Urge the International Olympic Committee to Ban All Equestrian Events

Take action to call on the International Olympic Committee to remove all equestrian events immediately!

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