Action Center

WATCH: Dogs on ‘Paradise Island’ Cruelly Killed. Take Action Now!

Mauritius wants tourists to think of it as an island paradise. But for dogs, it’s hell on Earth.

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Dubai, Please Keep SeaWorld Out!

Urge the government of Dubai not to allow SeaWorld to taint its reputation by allowing this hideous company, condemned around the world, to set up shop.

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Take the Pledge to Be Veg for 30 Days ©

Take the Pledge to Be Veg for 30 Days

Whatever the reason, there’s never been a better time to go vegetarian.

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YOU Can Help Save Lonely, Miserable Elephant

Please urge authorities to take immediate action to transfer Mali to a sanctuary. Her health and her sanity depend on it.

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Tell Laos to Close Down Cruel Monkey Farms!

Please take a moment to write to officials in Laos and demand that they close down the cruel monkey farms that are tarnishing the nation’s reputation.

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Help Stop Vietnam’s Cruel Pig Slaughter Festival

Vietnam’s Pig Slaughter Festival is one of the worst “festivals” in the world. Take action now to stop it!

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90 Elephants Killed—Urge Botswana to Act NOW!

Please let President Masisi know how strongly you feel about protecting Botswana’s wildlife.

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This November, Go Vegan for 30 days for #WorldVeganMonth

This November, make a difference for animals by going vegan for 30 days for #WorldVeganMonth.

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Urge Canada to End Its Shameful Seal Slaughter

Ask Prime Minister Trudeau to end Canada’s annual commercial seal slaughter, in which tens of thousands of baby seals are shot or bludgeoned to death for their fur.

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Urge BGC to Put a Stop to Horse-Drawn Carriages!

Please contact BGC officials and ask them to place a ban all horse-drawn carriages.

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