Hungry? Head to the Phuket Vegetarian Festival
It’s that time of year again, folks!
In what is arguably the biggest veggie fest on the planet, at the Phuket Vegetarian Festival, the Kingdom of Thailand embraces plant-based diets and serves up some of the most scrumptious food in the world—all cruelty-free!
While the biggest event takes place on the sunny shores of Phuket, similar events and festivities are held throughout the country, from big cities like Bangkok to remote and rural communities scattered throughout the countryside.
Held every year from late September through the beginning of October, the overwhelming majority of the locals with Chinese ancestry (35 percent of the people in Phuket) shuns animal products and feasts on delicious vegan options. Street vendors sell their goods on the busy sidewalks, and everything with a yellow flag is vegan (yes, you read that right: VEGAN!). So there’s no need to pull out your vegan passport and look for phrases.
While the food itself is worth the journey, the festival also plays host to an array of interesting spectacles. Some participants choose to walk barefoot over burning coals, others whip themselves into a frenzy, and the bravest of the brave choose to pierce their cheeks with swords and walk the streets proudly.
While the majority of festivals in the world promote beer guzzling and munching on animal flesh, this one promotes a healthy lifestyle and clean living. We think that’s pretty noteworthy.
If you can’t make it to Thailand on a whim, why not celebrate from home? Pledge to be vegan for 30 days—you won’t regret it!
Posted by Rochelle Regodon