Action Center

Help Ban the Use of Animals in Circuses

PETA India’s latest investigation reveals that animals used in circuses are subjected to chronic confinement, physical abuse, and psychological torment.

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PETA’s 14th Wool Industry Exposé Proves Nothing Has Changed—Terrified Sheep Kicked, Beaten, and Cut

PETA’s latest investigation reveals that shearers in Australia are STILL kicking sheep and leaving them with gaping wounds. Tell Urban Outfitters to drop wool now!

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Urge MSG Flavor Giant Ajinomoto to End Horrific Tests on Dogs, Others

Ajinomoto—the world’s largest maker of the food flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (MSG)—has ignored PETA’s pleas for it to end deadly animal tests. Take action.

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Urge Macau Officials to Save Greyhounds!

Asia’s greyhound racetrack, Macau’s Canidrome, will close soon. Urge Macau officials to award custody of the dogs to animal-protection groups so that they can be adopted.

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Tell Atlas Air to Stop Shipping Horses From Canada to Japan to Be Slaughtered

Every year, more than 6,000 live horses in Canada are packed into transport crates and sent on harrowing flights halfway around the world to be slaughtered in Japan.

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Urge French Charity to Stop Funding Cruel Experiments on Dogs!

Video footage reveals that behind closed doors at France’s Alfort National Veterinary School, dogs are deliberately bred to develop crippling muscle diseases.

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Help Release Polar Bears, Penguins and Whales from the Saddest Zoo in the World

The Grandview Aquarium in Guangzhou, China, has already been called “one of the saddest zoos in the world”. Help shut this cruel zoo down!

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Australian Musicians Lead the Call For an End to the Cruel Seal Hunt ©

Australian Musicians Lead the Call For an End to the Cruel Seal Hunt

Write to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper today, calling for a permanent end to the cruel hunt.

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Shelter Skelter: Shocking Conditions Revealed at Thailand Dog Shelter

Tony’s Shelter in Pattaya, Thailand, has been under fire for years from PETA for keeping animals in filthy conditions and not providing them with even basic veterinary care.

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Ultra-Fine Wool – Torture for Sheep

Sheep used for ultra-fine wool are kept in barren sheds virtually their entire lives and denied the opportunity to do anything that is natural and important to them.

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