Action Center

PETA Investigation Reveals Cruelty in Your Cashmere Sweater

A new PETA exposé into the cashmere industry in China and Mongolia—the world’s top cashmere exporters—reveals extreme cruelty to and violent killing of goats.

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Frightened Badgers Killed for Makeup, Shaving, and Paint Brushes

Brushes are used to create beauty, but PETA’s new investigation reveals ugly cruelty to badgers.

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Urge Meters/bonwe to Stop Selling Fur

Don’t let Meters/bonwe continue to profit off animal suffering. Write to the company today.

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Calves Dragged and Face-Branded for Leather Car Interiors

What happens in the leather industry will make you reconsider buying a car with a leather interior ever again.

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Help Stop KFC From Expanding Into Tibet

KFC, known for its animal abuse, is trying to expand its cruel operation to Tibet, a peaceful country that is not an advocate of animal abuse.

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Pledge to Boycott Zoos

Animals at zoos are housed in cramped, barren cages that can’t compare to their natural habitats.

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Urge Taiwan to Improve Government-Run Animal Shelters

Please send a polite e-mail to Taiwanese officials urging them to take action to improve conditions at the country’s animal shelter.

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Take Action: PETA Discovers American Racehorse Was Recently Slaughtered in South Korea!

We need your help to make sure that these companies hear the message loud and clear—please sign the petition below to speak up for horses like Private Vow.

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PETA Exposes Cruelty at Australia’s Largest Chicken Producer

PETA’s eyewitness video shows how chickens in Australia suffer before they’re killed at a reported supplier to McDonald’s and other fast-food brands. Take action now!

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5 Shocking Things You Didn’t Know About Animal Testing

You might know that animals suffer needlessly for cruel experiments. But did you know these five shocking facts?

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