Bolivian Jaguar Population at Risk Because of Poaching for Pendants

Posted on by PETA

Jaguars are being hunted in Bolivia for their teeth, fur, claws, and skulls, which are then sold in China. The animals’ testicles, which, in China, are believed to enhance sexual performance, are also sold.

Many buyers wear jaguar teeth as pendants or place them on key chains as a display of great wealth and power.

Hunting jaguars in Bolivia is illegal, yet trafficking laws in the country are very weak. Between 2013 and 2016, 380 jaguar canine teeth were seized by Bolivia’s General Directorate of Biodiversity and Protected Areas, forest police, and the national post office of Bolivia. This means at least 95 animals were killed. According to Bolivian authorities, each tooth is sold for around $US215.

Because of the remote location and large size of the natural reserves on which the jaguars are hunted and killed—and because, according to a report, in 2016, there were only 12 park rangers employed to monitor the entire area—it’s not difficult for traffickers to hunt and kill jaguars and smuggle their body parts out of the country.

The poaching of these majestic creatures, along with habitat loss caused by animal agriculture, forestry, and ranching, has changed their status to “Near Threatened,” as their population numbers are rapidly declining.

What You Can Do

Always speak out against cruelty to animals! Please don’t purchase any animal-derived products—including fur, leather, and wool—or support any label that promotes exploiting animals. Whether it’s for a jaguar tooth pendant or a wool sweater, remember that animals are not ours to use for fashion or accessories.